Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Several Journeys of Reemus

Actually, there are only two chapters and a prologue so far, but what's there is great. Reemus lives in the bizarre fantasy land of Fredericus, looks like a washed-up Motorhead roadie, and travels with his sidekick, a purple bear named Liam. Bad things are afoot in the kingdom, and it is up to the pair of exterminators to make things right, or better yet, survive.
This is a very simple flash based point and click adventure similar to Zeebarf's previous game, the brief but wonderful The Visitor. You check for hotspots, and click to interact with objects. Solving puzzles boils down to clicking on things in the right order, and for the most part the puzzles will be common sense, with a few places where you might have to experiment a bit to figure out what you're supposed to do. Nothing's very difficult though, and like in most adventure games, it's usually something you missed. There is no inventory, and no list of actions to select from--once an object is selected, Reemus or Liam will automatically perform the neccesary action to solve that part of the puzzle. You can also click on each character to gain a vague hint about what you're supposed to do in each area.
The art style is great, with everything handrawn and animated, and the soundtrack is excellent, ranging from hair metal to spooky ambience. The adventure won't take you long, maybe 10 or 15 minutes for each episode, but it's very funny throughout, and with a little more time and some money behind it, could rival a some commercial releases available in the genre today.

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