Friday, February 27, 2009

Mirror's Edge (2D)

Who needs a silly Xbox 360? Mirror's Edge 2D is a free, fast paced recreation of the 3D platformer released earlier this year by Electronic Arts. Made in cooperation with Brad Borne, creator of the cool side-scroller Fancy Pants Adventures, ME2D controls much the same way, with fluid animation and great controls. Faith leaps from building tops, slides along floors and even runs along walls while trying to collect suitcases and other goodies while heading toward the end of each level. I hear it's very authentic in terms of capturing the feel of the original, and I had a lot of fun with it. The game is still in it's beta phase while some bugs are being worked out, but EA plans on expanding the content with new levels and time trials later on. It's rare for a company to sink this much time and money into a Flash game of this sort, and if it's a marketing ploy, which I'm sure it is, then it's a successful one--playing this made me wish I could play the original.

1 comment:

  1. I spent about fifteen minutes trying to get the hang of this thing, but I just couldn't with the the way the keys are laid out. The space bar seems to me a better choice for the jump button (as opposed to the pause button), for instance. I wasn't invested enough to see if you could move the controls around, but the arrow keys just didn't do it for me. While the game looks fun, I just couldn't do the wall-running effectively. I think I'd prefer a controller of some sort even for the 2D version.


