Monday, February 23, 2009

I Fell In Love With The Majesty of Colors

The Majesty of Colors by Gregory Weir is a pixel based Flash game where you play through a dream as a Lovecraftian horror who is just seeing the world's surface for the first time. The goal, ultimately, is to let your curiosity and your own sense of morality determine the decisions you make when interacting with the tiny pixelated humans the creature encounters. There are 5 different endings to see depending on how you choose to act, ranging from tragedie to something a bit happier, all played out though colorful sprites. The text is short but well written, and you can tell alot of thought went into the story and game design. There isn't really anything to win in this game, no boss to fight, and no high score to beat, and you'll be done with everything in less than 10 minutes, but I found myself thinking about the game well after I had seen all the endings.


  1. Finally, a game my computer can handle. I didn't have the patience to go through it more than twice, but it was quick, fun and certainly unique. Maybe Cthulhu and his kin are just misunderstood? D'awww...

  2. I believe they are misunderstood, perhaps unfathomable. I was sad to see Great Cthulhu was missing from the ballot at this year's elections, as I think he has a solid plan to make this economic crisis go away (along with everything else, of course). The elder party is poorly represented in the Senate and House. I suppose the stars just weren't right in 2008, but maybe in 2012?

  3. And yet they still got more votes than Nader and the green party. Go figure!


