Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Jumpman is an old school (and by old school, I mean Atari era) style platformer where you play as the titular hero, striving for the exit. This is not as easy as it seems, as the game is full of perils--large yellow bouncy balls, green beasties, and "lava" are out to ruin your day, and it doesn't help that Jumpman runs like he's on ice all the time. Along with running and jumping, you can rotate the level itself; timing jumps to coincide with level rotation later becomes necessary to complete levels, and the difficulty ramps up as the game gets trippier, and the enemies more prevelant. Just when you become used to the rules, it throws new ones at you; the game is divided up into sections, with each one bringing a different set of rules and obstacles for you to contend with, which is nice. Another cool feature is that you can see all of the levels in a particular section stacked behind the level you're currently on, with monsters and everyhting. I managed to kill about three hours in one go without even realizing it, dying dozens of times in this one particular level before figuring out what I needed to do. Overall a great challenging little game, and at free, the price is right.

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