Monday, February 9, 2009

Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror

Turns out, they weren't kidding with that title. The mirror actually does smoke a little toward the end there.

This is a good game. A cheap game. And it does alot of things that many who have been burned by adventure games in the past will probably appreciate, maybe.

There are two main characters in the game you play as, George the American who may in fact be a patent lawyer, which does not explain why he has such crazy adventures, and Nico, the saucy French reporter. You know she's French, cuz she has that thick accent. You bounce back and forth between the two as you travel from France, to the Caribbean to South America, trying to solve some sort of mystery. Just trust me, it's a good story.

This is a very linear game. While some areas are larger than others, maybe 3 or 4 screens, wherever you happen to be, the solution is nearby. Most of the puzzles make "real world" sense, but when stuck, you can always just try using every item in your inventory on something until it works, and then you'll be like "Ahhhh!" and feel dumb, cuz it would have actually made sense if you were good at adventure games. I got through approximately 13/16 of the game without having to resort to some sort of walkthrough, which made me feel proud--and it made my mom proud too.

I din't really get enough sleep last night, I think. I laid down around 10:30pm, and just sort of hovered between sleep and wakefulness until well after midnight. Then I tossed and turned alot, and woke up sometime before 7am. What a bunch of horseshit.

So the game's not too hard. It's got a refreshing, different kind of story--it's not your typical
Sci-fi or Fantasy setting. And, it's $5.99 at Good Old Games, and it will run on most old computers, assuming they aren't broken. So...

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, this one's somewhere on my list of games I should have played while my computer had the ability to function normally. That was a very short list as I played just about everything I could find. Now I'd need to spend several hundred dollars in order to play a $5.99 game. There's just no justice in the world...


